Unreal Response To An Encounter With God

What effect does an encounter with God produce on a human being?

"This is not a man who is in the presence of One who is far superior to Him, but a man who is in the presence of a peer. This portrayal of the relationship of man to God to man is a far cry from the Bible's portrayal."
Tim Challies at http://www.challies.com/sites/all/files/files/The_Shack.pdf

Paul’s encounter with the glorious Christ left the bloodthirsty rabbi fasting and blind for three days.
Acts 9:1-6

When the glorified Christ appeared to John the exiled Apostle, John “fell at His feet as though dead!”
Revelation 1:16-18

Isaiah saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up. He reacts by crying out “Woe is me! For I am undone; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.”
Isaiah 6:1-5

When Moses encountered God in the burning bush, he hid his face in fear.
Exodus 3:6

But in The Shack we find a man who stands in the very presence of "God: and uses foul language, "damn” p 140, and “son of a bitch” p 224, who expresses anger to God (which in turns makes God cry!) p 92, and who snaps at God in his anger p 96.

When a man stands before the majesty of God, that man will NOT curse and profane His name. The author of this book will tremble at the presence of the real God of heaven. He will be the one crying!